“Boston-Arizona Mine” is a producer vein deposit site in the Intermontane Plateaus of Arizona, The United States. It is a small deposit, located in the Copper Basin District mining district and is not considered to be of world-class significance.1

Zinc, lead, and molybdenum deposits are documented at “Boston-Arizona Mine.” Zinc is present at a grade sufficient to have a strong effect on the economics of an excavation project. It may even be viable as the only commodity mined.

Lead can be economically recovered from this site but would have little effect on the viability of the mining project. The molybdenum at this site is economically interesting but not currently recoverable.

At the time this deposit was surveyed, there was a small scale production. Mining operations could be year-round, intermittent, or seasonal. Production at “Boston-Arizona Mine” began in 1937. In 1952, production concluded.

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